Referee assessment

For the essay section, all articles under consideration for publication undergo a double-blind peer-review system.
The referees are responsible for selecting publications and research that may have scientific and academic value for the refereed section.
In line with international guidelines, the procedure adopted by the journal "Quaderni di Comunità. People, Education and Welfare in Society 5.0" is as follows.

Assessment System

  • For each article, the Editor identifies two referees from among researchers and university lecturers or those affiliated with research institutes, based on their areas of expertise.
  • Throughout the process, the anonymity of referees and authors is maintained.
  • The Editor will collect the authors' papers, taking care to verify that the articles meet the journal's editorial requirements. If not, appropriate revisions and/or additions are required to align the article with the journal's standards.
  • The Editor will provide the articles to the referees, who will conduct their assessment using the form provided by the Editor.
  • The assessment remains anonymous, and suggestions will be communicated from the editorial office to the author of the paper.


All papers and their respective assessments are stored in the journal's electronic archive to ensure transparency in the adopted procedures, also for the purposes of assessment by accredited external entities and evaluators.

Type of Assessment

Referees must express their assessment exclusively through the evaluation form provided by the Editor.
The evaluation form consists of a quantitative part (awarding a score from 1-5 in relation to: theory development, importance of the topic, relevance, literature synthesis, data quality, clarity of exposition, bibliography) and a qualitative part aimed at clarifying the strengths and weaknesses of the paper.
In conclusion, the referees give an overall judgment regarding the publishability or not of the article, or its publishability with reservations.
Referees are obliged to provide suggestions to the author to improve the paper.
Under no circumstances may comments be offensive or detrimental to the author's integrity.


The final decision for publication lies with the Editor, particularly in the case of discrepancies between the referees' judgments.


Referees collaborate on the review voluntarily, in a service-oriented manner for the scientific community.
The list of referees for the previous year is included in the journal as a thank you for the collaboration provided, and in compliance with the principles of transparency regarding the adopted procedure (open peer review). The complete list of referees can be viewed at this link.