L’Università di fronte alla sfida digitale. L’esperienza italiana nella costruzione dello spazio europeo della formazione


  • Stefania Capogna Link Campus University
  • Francesca Greco Roma Tre University




University, Digital transformation, Online learning


The increase in the use of online training determined by the pandemic highlights as never before the need and the urgency for the
university to deal with the digital revolution, which has been supported by European Community for more than twenty years. The paper presents the preliminary results of a broader research project carried out by an international partnership to investigate the transformation processes and ways of developing digital training and learning practices in Higher Education. The research hypothesis is based on the idea that the availability of the technological infrastructure is not sufficient to guarantee a correct use of learning and knowledge technologies among professors, learners and researchers. The preliminary results of the Italian case show the lights and shadows of a process that has actually been running for a long time but is bound by a stop and go and double speed process.



How to Cite

Capogna, S., & Greco, F. (2022). L’Università di fronte alla sfida digitale. L’esperienza italiana nella costruzione dello spazio europeo della formazione. Quaderni Di comunità. Persone, Educazione E Welfare Nella Società 5.0, (2), 89–125. https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2022.2.71