Cosa pensano gli/le adolescenti del lavoro dignitoso e dell'inclusione? Uno studio qualitativo


  • Andrea Zammitti Researcher in Social Psychology, Department of Education Sciences, University of Catania
  • Giuseppina Agosta Guidance expert, Guidance Office, Communication Area, University of Catania
  • Carmela Ferlito Guidance expert, Guidance Office, Communication Area, University of Catania
  • Oriana Maria Todaro Psychologist, External Orientation Expert, Orientation Office, Communication Area, University of Catania
  • Alfio Caruso External orientation expert, Orientation Office, Communication Area, University of Catania
  • Teresa Taibi Psychologist, External Orientation Expert, Orientation Office, Communication Area, University of Catania
  • Daniela Catania Psychologist, CInAP - Centre for Active and Participatory Inclusion, University of Catania



inclusion, decent work, life design, adolescents, future planning


Recently, within the Life Design paradigm, particular attention has been given to the construction of inclusive and sustainable futures and the design of counselling interventions for the promotion of a decent life for everyone. In this perspective, decent work is conceptualized as productive, innovative, creative, safe and protected work, but also as the opportunity to build inclusive and sustainable societies. Among the challenges of the future that young people will have to face are those of inclusion and difficult access to decent work. The aim of this research was to explore the ideas of inclusion and decent work of a group of adolescents (N = 300, age between 17 to 19) from eastern Sicily in transition phase between secondary school and the world of work or university.



How to Cite

Zammitti, A., Agosta, G., Ferlito, C., Todaro, O. M., Caruso, A., Taibi, T., & Catania, D. (2024). Cosa pensano gli/le adolescenti del lavoro dignitoso e dell’inclusione? Uno studio qualitativo. Quaderni Di comunità. Persone, Educazione E Welfare Nella Società 5.0, 1(2), 227–251.


