Professione orientatore: analisi comparativa tra Italia e altre nazioni europee


  • Diego Boerchi Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Department of Psychology
  • Simona Benini Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna and InPratica - Community of career advisors
  • Serena Tacconi Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna and InPratica - Community of career advisors



Educational and vocational guidance, Career counselors, Training, Regulation, European best practices


In today’s era, characterized by rapid change and unpredictability, it is essential to count on effective career guidance services in which competent and recognised professionals operate. The article analyzes the situation in Italy compared to other European countries, highlighting how the lack of a structured training path and precise regulation of the educational and vocational guidance profession contrasts with more structured trends in the rest of Europe. This situation contributes to the low effectiveness and fragmentation of the guidance services offered, often distancing them from European best practices. The paper highlights the importance of recognising educational and vocational guidance as a specific discipline, requiring professionalism in service delivery, research, and intervention design to improve the effectiveness and quality of the support offered to citizens.



How to Cite

Boerchi, D., Benini, S., & Tacconi, S. (2024). Professione orientatore: analisi comparativa tra Italia e altre nazioni europee. Quaderni Di comunità. Persone, Educazione E Welfare Nella Società 5.0, 1(2), 95–125.


