Orientation and innovation: artificial intelligence to support career decision making


  • Marco Cristian Vitiello Occupational Psychologist, Psychotherapist; Founder of Studio Saperessere; Vice-President of SIPLO,
  • Francesco Catalano Psychologist; Teaching assistant for the chair (on contract) of ‘Psychology of work and sports organisations’ (Universitas Mercatorum)




guidance, innovation, artificial intelligence, decision making


The article highlights the psychological prerequisites of the innovative drive that characterises human evolution in all its practices and that today, in the light of rapid digital transformations, calls for careful reflection on how technologies can improve work orientation processes, at a time in history when it is precisely technologies, especially the latest generation related to Artificial Intelligence (AI), that are creating phenomena of social disorientation, an increase in the ‘digital divide’ and ethical encroachment.


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How to Cite

Vitiello, M. C., & Catalano, F. (2024). Orientation and innovation: artificial intelligence to support career decision making. Community Notebook. People, Education and Welfare in the Society 5.0, 1(2), 51–59. https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.301



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