About the Journal

This is the official journal of the research centre Digital, Technologies, Education & Society of Link Campus University. It explores the complex relationships between information and communication technologies and the entire educational system, conceived as a single macro-system education-training-university-work-transition process.
The Community Notebook is oriented to the study and understanding of the cultural, social, organizational and educational complexity of our time, to foster, through both a multi and interdisciplinary, multi-dimensional and multi-perspective approach:

  • a dialogue open to diversity and cultural and scientific influences;
  • the co-construction of multi/inter and trans-disciplinary knowledge;
  • the dissemination of knowledge, information and data culture, essential to inform public policies and strategic choices concerning the emergencies posed by the contemporary world and the objectives of global, inclusive and sustainable development;
  • a strong orientation towards the promotion of digital culture, to be pursued through a constant commitment to dissemination, as part of the Third Mission activities, care and education;
  • a genuine commitment to work in a community logic, and in synergy with the territories, to promote the vision of a new digital humanism capable of putting the person at the centre of collective interests in all situations.

This breadth of perspectives aims to investigate fundamental issues at all levels (micro-meso-macro-meta) of the complex relationship between the macro educational system and society.
The journal proposes itself to be a public space for constructive discussion focused on welcoming the contributions of researchers, experts, scholars, and practitioners and all who are interested in sharing their theoretical and empirical research work on topics dear to the journal.
The editorial project revolves around the following macro themes:


  • school
  • university
  • transitions and orientation
  • training and lifelong learning
  • educational responsibility

Community empowerment

  • work
  • inclusion
  • innovation
  • society and community welfare
  • network and integrated training systems / networked systems and digitisation

The journal Community Notebook. People, Education and Welfare in Society 5.0 is an international peer-refereed journal, aimed at advancing educational research that connects and has implications for educational policy and practice. Therefore, we welcome high-quality documents (conceptual, analytical or empirical; both quantitative and qualitative) that make an important and substantial contribution to educational policy and practice.

The Journal aims to promote the widest dissemination of research activities that fall into the centre's areas of interest, including scientific essays for the refereed section, articles of a popular nature and insights, as specified below.

The academic section offers theoretical and scientific studies, results of empirical research and surveys (qualitative and quantitative), and collections of essays. According to the standard evaluation process, all these contributions are subject to a 'double-blind referee'.

The dissemination section is aimed at a wide and not necessarily expert audience, to raise attention and promote widespread awareness of the issues of interest to the journal. This section is divided into two sections: Education and Community Empowerment.
These sections refer to the centre’s two priority research macro-areas, intending to define its cultural horizon, following the national and international debate on topics of interest, disseminating the results of research and studies, promoting planning and participation, making accessible information essential to the understanding of the complexity that characterizes our time, intercepting opportunities and creating synergies.

Finally, the in-depth section can collect reviews, datasheets, working papers; extracts and critical analysis of national and international scientific sources; extracts of research; and narrative and technical data sheets of projects, initiatives and experimental actions consistent with the editorial project.