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About the Journal

This is the official journal of the research centre Digital, Technologies, Education & Society of Link Campus University. It explores the complex relationships between information and communication technologies and the entire educational system, conceived as a single macro-system education-training-university-work-transition process.
The Community Notebook is oriented to the study and understanding of the cultural, social, organizational and educational complexity of our time ... read more


Call for Paper and Submission. Year 5 No. 3/December, 2025


Inclusive Education: Strategies, Perspectives, Innovation, Practices

This thematic issue explores the various dimensions of inclusive education, examining both the theoretical frameworks and practical implementations that support this essential aspect of modern education systems.

The special issue will also delve into the technological and digital innovations transforming inclusive education. Society 5.0, with its focus on integrating advanced technology into daily life, offers unprecedented tools and resources to support personalized learning. Technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and assistive communication tools can be powerful allies in making education more inclusive and accessible.

Read more about Call for Paper and Submission. Year 5 No. 3/December, 2025

Current Issue

No. 2 (2024): Future Guidance
Copertina orientamento al futuro

The call ‘’Future Guidance‘’ focuses on a key theme in the current historical and social context, characterised by complexity and epochal changes. The theme is multifaceted and involves various institutional, cultural, social and economic levels. The richness and variety of the contributions present reinforces the dimension of guidance as a strategic educational strategy for the formation of the new generations, which need to believe in the future, to look ahead with confidence and to withstand difficulties with the necessary strength to face challenges. Central, in this regard, is a new training model for operators and professionals, who know how to look to the future with a spirit of openness and welcome, and ‘orientate’ young people. The paper therefore offers itself as an opportunity and a resource to all stakeholders, to determine the next strategic choices.

Published: 2024-08-01


  • Editoriale

    Speranzina Ferraro
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.297

Education Column

  • Quale orientamento per quale società?

    Gabriella Burba
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.299
  • L'orientamento per gli adulti in una società che cambia.

    Emilio Porcaro
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.300

Empowerment Column

  • Orientamento e innovazione: l'intelligenza artificiale a supporto del decision making di carriera

    Marco Cristian Vitiello, Francesco Catalano
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.301


  • L'orientamento nel XXI secolo: approcci e competenze per gli orientatori

    Angela Russo, Lavinia Cicero, Giuseppe Santisi, Andrea Zammitti
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.302
  • Professione orientatore: analisi comparativa tra Italia e altre nazioni europee

    Diego Boerchi, Simona Benini, Serena Tacconi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.303
  • Quality assurance: framework of indicators and evaluation models for career guidance

    Concetta Fonzo, Enric Serradel-Lopez
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.304
  • La maieutica orientativa, ovvero la metodologia maieutica al servizio della consulenza orientativa

    Filippo Sani
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.305
  • Autoefficacia nelle life skills, career adaptability e competenze scolastiche: uno studio esplorativo

    Elisabetta Sagone, Marcella Nucifora, Simona Maria Frischetto, Chiara Imbrogliera, Maria Luisa Indiana, Gaetana De Francisci, Maria Violetta Brundo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.306
  • Cosa pensano gli/le adolescenti del lavoro dignitoso e dell'inclusione? Uno studio qualitativo

    Andrea Zammitti, Giuseppina Agosta, Carmela Ferlito, Oriana Maria Todaro, Alfio Caruso, Teresa Taibi, Daniela Catania
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.309

In-Depth Analysis

  • Orientamento e ricerca di senso

    Daniela Pavoncello
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.310
  • Nuovi scenari per le politiche di orientamento

    Anna Grimaldi, Anna Ancora
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.311


  • Recensione del libro "Orientamento e consulenza di carriera: la soddisfazione lavorativa"

    Cristina Castelli
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2024.2.312
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